Short CV
Dr. Vassilis Tzouvaras has received the B-Eng in the Department of Electronic & Systems Engineering of Essex University, the M-Eng in the Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering of Sheffield University, UK, and the Ph.D. in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens in the field of knowledge technologies (extending OWL with fuzzy set operators). Since 2005, he is a senior researcher at the Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems Laboratory of NTUA carrying out research in the areas of knowledge representation, ontology engineering, reasoning and semantic search. He is active in the Europeana developments and many related projects (Athena, Videoactive, Euscreen, eCreative, EuropeanaConnect, Europeana V01, LoCloud, Carare, Eclap, eFashion, LinkedHeritage). He has published 15 journal papers and 60 conference papers.