Short CV
Arne Stabenau graduated in Computer Science in Germany with a subsidiary subject of Biochemistry. In his early years he worked in Germany and England in the area of bioinformatics. For the last ten years he has worked at the National Technical Univeristy of Athens in the area of cultural heritage. He uses Java and various Database and Web technologies to ingest, index and manage cultural metadata. As coauthor of the MINT tool he participated in projects like Athena, Athena Plus, Carare, EUscreen, EUscreenXL, Europeana Fashion, DM2E, Linked Heritage, Locloud, Europeana Sounds, Europeana Photography. He gave workshops to teach the tools usage, provided online user support, developed new features and in case of EUscreenXL served on the PMB. Currently he serves in the EUscreen Foundation as Board member, to keep the network of AV broadcasters and archivists created in the EUscreen projects alive.