Short CV
Andreas-Georgios Stafylopatis is the Director of AILS Lab.
Andreas-Georgios Stafylopatis was born in Athens, Greece, in 1956. In 1974, he graduated (1st ranked) from the Varvakios Pilot School, Athens. He received the Diploma degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 1979 (2nd ranked) from the National Technical University of Athens and the Docteur Ingénieur degree in Computer Science in 1982 from the Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France (Thesis: Modélisation et Evaluation de l' Execution Parallèle d'Algorithmes Numériques, Advisor: Erol Gelenbe).
He was awarded a scholarship by the State Scholarships Foundation for excellence in every year of his undergraduate studies (1974-1979). He then received a scholarship (1979-1980) and a research allowance (1980-1982) from the French Government.
During the period 1981-1982 he collaborated with the Centre d'Εtudes de Mathématique et Automatique Musicales (CeMaMu), which had been founded in Paris by the compositor Iannis Xenakis for research in computer music. He then served as the Scientific Responsible (1983-1992) for the creation of the respective Centre for Modern Musical Research (KSYME) established in Athens.
Since 1984 he is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. He is a professor of computer science since 1996, currently Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems Laboratory (AILS) of the School. He was Director of the Computer Science Section of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering for the period 2002-2005. From 2008 to 2010 he was Coordinator of the Graduate Studies Program of the School. From 2010 to 2013 he served as the Head of the School.
His research interests comprise modeling and performance evaluation of computer systems as well as intelligent systems and machine learning methods, focusing on data analysis, knowledge extraction, recommender systems, text analysis, natural language processing, user and social network modeling, biomedical and biοinformatics applications. He has taught a significant number of courses in the area of computer science both undergraduate (basic and specialization courses) and postgraduate.
Prof. Stafylopatis is the author or coauthor of approximately 220 refereed papers, of which about 80 in international journals, with more than 2500 citations. He has participated as leader or key researcher in approx. 60 national and European Union funded research projects. He has supervised 22 graduate students who completed their PhD and is currently supervising 4 PhD candidates.
He has been chairman and organizer of national and international conferences and an invited speaker/author in many conferences/books and journals. He has been associate editor of scientific journals and reviewer for numerous journals. He has been evaluator of research proposals for national and international organizations, and book evaluator for Greek and international publishers. He has served as consultant and member of advisory/evaluation committees concerning large computer system projects in various ministries and public sector organizations.
Prof. Stafylopatis member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).